After almost 30 congregations/churches we’ve visited, about 7,000-10,000 people we’ve ministered to, 150+ hours on the road, our tour has ended! We saw God moving and working in us and in the people we’ve ministered to, like never before!
The testimonies brought us to tears, how faithful God is to show up every time His people call upon Him in truth, together, as a one new man!
We will probably share some testimonies after the “dust settles” 🙂
Through your partnership with what God has called us to do, whether financially or in prayer, we’ve managed to bring His fresh word OUT OF ZION.
We realize now that this is bigger than a one time tour.
Our hearts are stirred to continue, and to seek Him as to how exactly He would have us carry this calling.
If it’s on your heart to support this growing vision, whether it will be going to a different nation, or continuing to release HEBREW WORSHIP from Jerusalem, we would be very grateful!
Please keep us in your prayers and consider financially supporting our ministry!